Ecosystem ponds collaborate harmoniously with Mother Nature, offering nourishment, refuge, and security to the surrounding wildlife. Additionally, they create a naturally serene and easily maintained haven. To establish a genuine ecosystem, every component of the puzzle must be present; the removal of any element results in an unbalanced ecosystem.

Pond Filtration and Ecosystem Components

Skimmer (mechanical filter):

  • Purpose: Filters water before it reaches the pump, while also collecting debris from the water's surface to prevent the buildup of organic materials on the pond floor.

BioFalls® (biological filter):

  • Function: Creates a surface for beneficial bacteria to thrive, facilitating the removal of excess nutrients from the water.


  • Role: Maintains efficient water circulation, ensuring the essential oxygen levels required for the well-being of koi fish and plants.

Rocks and gravel:

  • Contribution: Provides ample surface area for beneficial bacteria, aiding in the decomposition of excess nutrients in the water and dissolved organic debris on the pond floor.


  • Advantages: Diminishes pond maintenance by consuming string algae and bottom feeding on the pond floor. Additionally, they serve as delightful pets, offering hours of natural entertainment.


  • Benefits: Act as nature's filters, enhancing the pond's aesthetics with color and texture. From a filtration perspective, they are unparalleled, thriving on surplus nutrients and depriving algae of its nutrient source when adequately covered. They play a critical role in maintaining the overall health of the ecosystem.